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Curs de conversa 'Coffee in English'

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Curs de conversa 'Coffee in English' Empty Curs de conversa 'Coffee in English'

Missatge  Carme Marcos Ds 13 Abr 2013 - 0:13

Mininum requirements:
English level: Intermediate

Would you like to share your coffee or tea time speaking English?
The Association of Illustrators would like to invite you to coffee or tea (and if you want you can bring your own meal (sandwich, croissant, ....) and talk (discuss) with your colleagues every week about a subject related to the illustration field.

Course Objective:
- Increase your ways and fluency to better communicate in English
- Increase your Art's vocabulary in English
- Become familiar with specific vocabulary related to critiques, techniques and description
- Become more comfortable with your work in other languages

Michael Enten is a English professor living in Barcelona. He graduated from the Pratt Institute of Art in Brooklyn, New York where he studied Critical and Visual Studies with minor in Art History and Print Making. He enjoys art of all kinds and is very interested in communication and the exchanging of ideas.

Lloc: seu de l'APIC, carrer balmes 177, 1r 2a
Dies: divendres 19 abril; 26 abril; 3 maig i 10 de maig
Horari: 9 a 10 h

Capacitat màxima: 8 pax

Preu socis de l'APIC: (abonament 4 classes) 28 euros
Preu no socis: (abonament 4 classes) 36 euros

Inscripcions: info@apic.es

En cas de no haver un mínim de places confirmades, l'Apic es reserva el dret de cancel·lar el curs.
Carme Marcos
Carme Marcos

Cantidad de envíos : 499
Ubicació : Barcelona
Fecha de inscripción : 24/03/2009


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